Saturday, January 29 - Sunday, January 30, 2022
Ideally, this class is the next step for students who have taken his CREFTAS (Creative Real Estate Financing Techniques & Strategies) class and experienced real estate investors.
This is not a step-by-step or how-to class. There is no single cookie cutter process for getting real estate deals done and it's not as simple as changing a few lines in a contract template. To get to negotiating terms, the players have to be willing to play...and how do you get them to play?
You need to know how to assess the opportunity in order to come up with a customized solution that is a win-win for all parties involved. Every opportunity is unique, with different players and circumstances so how do you uncover the what's really going on. That involves a toolbox of interpersonal skills, communication styles, creative strategies and resources but more importantly, it requires thinking.
Most courses teach you the strategies and resources you need (and these are all necessary), but then what? ... How do you know which strategy (or strategies) are the most befitting? Knowing which tools are necessary to actually put a real estate deal together requires critical thinking...and this is what this class is all about.
The most valuable thing Bill can pass on to his students and fellow investor colleagues is how to think (and grow rich).