Membership Benefits
Exclusive Access to Resources
You will have access to thousands of dollars worth of specialized material for the real estate investor. New courses, books, tapes, CDs, videos etc. are constantly added. A list of materials is on the web site.
Listen to past meetings with slides pdf (if available)
Members get access to recordings of past meetings & slides.
LAREIA Membership INCLUDES being a member of National REIA (see overview & full manual) Premium Membership is $199/year. It pays for itself in 10 meetings and additionally there are the rebates & savings!
Meeting Benefits
Introduction Round-Robin (Haves and Wants)
At each meeting new attendees are invited to stand-up and make a brief statement about yourself & why you’re there. The round-robin is a way to introduce yourself to the group. The Haves/Wants is a way to: solve problems, to find out where you may need help in your real estate investment ventures, let others know what you have for sale or wish to buy and it becomes a way to get acquainted.
First Hand Information from People Buying, Selling and Managing
Meet with "hands on" investors who are engaged in the real estate investment business every day and desire to grow in knowledge and experience and a willingness to share with others. Our members bring to the organization a variety of backgrounds and professions, including real estate brokers, contractors, retired persons, financing specialists, accountants and attorneys, et al.
Exposure to Speakers from Real Estate Industry
We present a variety of interesting and entertaining speakers to keep us up to date on innovations, laws, techniques or methods which may affect or enhance our real estate investing.
Networking Opportunity
Where else can you meet so many people with similar goals and willing to help you?
Motivational Value
Our members share experiences providing the needed spark for you to make that first or next investment.
Social Interaction with Like-Minded People
We are people who have real estate investments and have probably had similar challenges, doubts, successes and goals. Most have "been there” and will share their experiences.
Information AND Discounts on Upcoming Events
Many of our members receive and share advance information on upcoming events having been at similar events. We encourage our member to rate seminars, workshops and conferences they have attended.
Contact Source for Real Estate Related Services and Home Depot CASH REBATES
Who can best direct you to reliable maintenance and professional personnel to solve your problem? Fellow investors that have already used them. Many heads are better than one in answering your real estate questions and solving your real estate problems. Do you shop at The Home Depot? Annual Members get a 2% rebate! Office Depot? They’ll meet or beat any advertised price in print or online. These are a couple of the many benefits of our being a member of the National Real Estate Investors Association. (see the National REIA member benefits overview or manual for all of the other services and discounts)